sport at lbs
Lyall Bay School Sports Information
We have a number of team sports available throughout the year. To allow our children to take part in these various sports, we are very dependent on parent help. If you are able to help in coaching or managing a team, please let me know via email.
We would be very appreciative of any help that can be offered.
All sports information will be shared via HERO. Children will be made aware of sports opportunities at school via school assemblies, hub sharing, class discussions and newsletters.
Teams may have limited numbers allowed so placements are not always guaranteed.
Placement in teams is dependent on timely payments, adequate parent help for teams and number allowed in the local competitions. All payments are due prior to the season starting.
For all information and interest, please contact:
Christine Cowan, sport@lyallbay.school.nz
Eastern Zone and Primary Sport Wellington Sports opportunities will be shared in school, through Hero and School Newsletters.
Extra-Curricular Sports and related terms are listed below:
Term 1
Futsal (Y1-Y6)
Flippa ball (Y3- Y6 competent swimmers only)
Touch (Y1-Y6)
Netball (Y1-Y4)
Floorball (Y1- Y6)
Term 2
Mini ball (Y3-Y6)
Senior School Netball (Y5/6)
Term 3
Miniball (Y3-Y6)
Senior School Netball (teams are carried on from Term 2)
Term 4
Futsal (Y1-Y6)
Flippa ball (Y3- Y6 competent swimmers only)
Touch (Y1-Y6)
Netball (Y1-Y4)
Floorball (Y1-Y6)